Orange Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)
The Orange Rili Shrimp is a stunning freshwater shrimp variety, known for its vibrant orange coloration paired with unique translucent patches. This eye-catching combination makes them a popular choice among shrimp enthusiasts. Easy to care for and highly adaptable, they are ideal for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.
Key Features:
Size: Reaches up to 1–1.5 inches (2.5–4 cm)
Coloration: Bright orange with semi-transparent sections, creating a striking contrast
Diet: Omnivorous; feeds on algae, biofilm, shrimp pellets, and blanched vegetables
Tank Requirements: Minimum 5-gallon tank with plants, moss, and hiding spaces
Water Parameters: Temperature: 68–78°F, pH: 6.5–8.0, soft to moderately hard water
Additional Notes:
Orange Rili Shrimp are peaceful, making them great for nano or community tanks with small, non-aggressive fish. They are active cleaners, helping to maintain tank cleanliness by consuming algae and debris. Stable water conditions and a varied diet are essential for their health and vibrant coloration.
Perfect for adding a splash of color and personality to your