Bloody Mary Orange Eye Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi)
The Bloody Mary Orange Eye Shrimp is a striking freshwater shrimp variety known for its deep red coloration and captivating orange eyes. This unique Neocaridina shrimp is highly sought after by aquarists for its vibrant appearance and ease of care. It adds a pop of color and activity to any planted aquarium.
Key Features:
Size: Reaches up to 1–1.5 inches (2.5–4 cm)
Coloration: Deep, translucent red with bright orange eyes
Diet: Omnivorous; enjoys biofilm, algae, shrimp pellets, and vegetable-based foods
Tank Requirements: Minimum 5-gallon tank with plenty of plants, moss, and hiding spots
Water Parameters: Temperature: 68–78°F, pH: 6.5–8.0, soft to moderately hard water
Additional Notes:
Bloody Mary Orange Eye Shrimp are peaceful and ideal for nano tanks or community aquariums with non-aggressive tank mates. They are prolific breeders under optimal conditions, making them a rewarding choice for shrimp enthusiasts. Regular water changes and stable water parameters are crucial to their health and vibrant coloration.
These shrimp are perfect for aquarists seeking a rare and eye-catching addition to their tank!